4 Reasons Why Mobile Devices Improve Customer Loyalty

Loyalty schemes are getting increasingly competitive as more and more companies being to reward loyalty of their customers and earn returns in the form of repeat business and high engagement. But, did you know that encouraging the use of incentive scheme apps can actually improve your customer loyalty even further?

April 6, 2022

mobile devices and loyalty

We’ve uncovered four different ways that mobile devices help improve customer loyalty schemes so that you can see the benefits of them in your own schemes.

1. Access to Customer Loyalty Schemes Increases

In the UK in 2021, people spent an average of 4.8 hours per day on their mobile phones. Yes, some of this time is dedicated to texting, phone calls, and unsurprisingly, social media but, if your loyalty scheme can be accessed on a mobile, this is time that users could be spending being rewarded for loyalty. Could you imagine how that amount of time would benefit your business?

Introducing interactive elements can further motivate customers to access your reward scheme via mobile. This is especially the case if your loyalty scheme uses gamification in some way to reward loyalty.

2. Customers Engage More With Reward Schemes

With increased access to loyalty schemes that have been made for mobile, it is no surprise that customer engagement often goes up as well. People use their mobile devices to listen to music, look up directions, pay for items, and more. This is something that can be used to leverage your loyalty scheme.

Whether you introduce a daily mini-game that earns points and rewards loyalty for continuous engagement or simply enable users to access rewards from their mobile device, you can promote engagement in ways that benefit both your business and your customers.

3. Incentive Schemes Made for Mobile are Flexible

One of the biggest reasons mobile devices improve customer loyalty is due to their flexibility. For example, if someone has downtime on their daily commute or takes 10 minutes between chores, mobile-first loyalty schemes are flexible and can be used when convenient for your customer.

We can look at it from another angle. How many of us have popped into the shop and realised while checking out that we had forgotten our points card? If you have a customer loyalty programme that can be accessed on a mobile, customers have the flexibility to earn rewards for their loyalty at every purchase.

4. Mobile Customer Loyalty Schemes Can Promote Personalisation

Due to the amount of time people spend on their devices and the engagement potential of mobile-first loyalty schemes, there are plenty of opportunities to get to know your audience. You can then tailor your approach based on how your customers spend time interacting with your scheme. For example, setting up notifications that prompt action at times where customers have previously engaged on their device.

Getting to know your customer and personalising the experience they have using your loyalty scheme is invaluable.

Make the Most of Mobile…

If you think you can benefit from taking your customer loyalty scheme mobile, please call us now on 0113 887 8620 or email [email protected] and our expert team will be happy to help.

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